Tag Archives: online community

There's a new blogger in town!

There is a lot to be said about the prospect research and fundraising community. People are saying it all the time– on blogs, on Facebook, in news articles, and just about everywhere else that writing can be published. All of these opinions, facts, and experiences are out there waiting to be digested…so who gets the job?

Me! I’m Jakki, the new Marketing Intern at Aspire Research Group.

My job is to take a deep look into how prospect research is at work in the fundraising community, digest the material, and present it to you, the people who want to know, right here on this blog. My goal is to give you insight into others’ experiences in the field, feature real-life stories about landing major gifts, and hopefully give you an idea of the kinds of benefits that can be gained from using the services that Aspire Research Group provides.

So keep an eye out for my weekly guest-blogs. Feel free to comment with feedback, or your own opinions on whatever I cover for the week. The fundraising community is full of people looking to add on to what they already know…so why don’t we learn together?